Woerd Woods Work Party, June 27, 2021

On June 27, five awesome WLT stewards, led by Jarek Reihner, were joined by Parterre Ecological's Ryan Corrigan in the woods along the Charles River next to the Woerd Ave Boat Launch. The WLT is coordinating with the MA DCR and Waltham Conservation Commission to restore this land by removing invasive plants like Japanese knotweed, garlic mustard, Asiatic bittersweet, multiflora rose and small buck thorns, and replacing them in the fall with native species. The group generally works every other Sunday between 1- 3pm. On this day, the team put Ram board (similar to cardboard) over the exposed soil, wet it, and covered it with mulch to suppress new invasive growth. We were thrilled when Newton Conservators President Ted K. and his son stopped during their bike ride to ask questions and take a group shot. Many thanks to the National Environmental Educational Fund for providing funding.
Lots more photos on our Flickr site.