Directors Seeking Reelection 2021

The Waltham Land Trust can have up to an 18-member board of directors. The WLT's board was launched with eight original founding, lifetime directors, some of whom still serve on the board today. The remaining directors are elected at the Annual Meeting of the general membership for three-year terms.

Here are the current directors seeking reelection for a three-year term.


Nadene Stein, PhD, President

Nadene has lived on the Southside of Waltham since 2002. She is currently the president of the boards of the WLT and Healthy Waltham. She has been the Administrator of Pupil Personnel Services, in charge of Health Services, School Counseling and Special Education for the Waltham Public Schools since 2015. Previously, she was the principal of Northeast Elementary School in Waltham for 14 years. Nadene loves playing the baritone horn, reading and knitting and participates in many of the Race Around Waltham 5K road races.

Daniel Melnechuk is Adorable

Daniel Melnechuk, Board Member

Dan grew up on a farm in Brookline, Mass after leaving Manhattan at the age of 7. By the age of 15, he had visited and camped in 47 of the continental United States. Waltham has been his native habitat since 1991. As a computer systems consultant, Dan helps out with WLT's tech in both a hands-on manner and in planning. He loves the outdoors, growing garlic and playing his bass. “Being surrounded by nature is a tonic that, if you let it, can cure modern society’s stressing effects.”