The Caterpillar Lab – The Whole Story

On April 6th, 2021, Sam Jaffe of The Caterpillar Lab delivered a deep picture into the world of native caterpillars using a combination of live presentation, digital microscope work, slides, and life history image plates. By exploring complex natural history stories involving caterpillars, their host plants, and their predators and parasitoids, the importance of biodiversity…

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“Plogging” along the Charles, March 27, 2021

Seventeen people of all ages turned up to “plog”–pick up litter while jogging (or walking). Amazing WLT volunteer steward Amanda and her daughter led the activity. They collected litter from all sides of the Moody Street dam and along the Riverwalk to Prospect Street. Many thanks to NovaBio for allowing us to use their dumpster,…

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Spring Equinox Walk, March 20, 2021

Twenty walkers welcomed Spring with an easy stroll along the Charles River. A juvenile bald eagle soared high above and a swan swam quietly by as we gathered at the Woerd Ave boat launch. Walking through the woods we saw witch hazel and a turtle sunning itself on a log across the way. We checked…

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Duck Walk, February 28, 2021

Twenty-three avian enthusiasts participated in the WLT’s annual duck walk along the Charles River. The group traveled from Shaw’s at 130 River Street to Moody St. and back. They saw mallards, a Great blue heron, ring-necked ducks, robins, a Hooded merganser pair, a ring-billed gull, a male bufflehead, and a black duck. We also saw…

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What About Chestnut Trees

On February 22nd, 2021, WLT member Dr. Sandra Anagnostakis, Emerita, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, gave an information packed webinar about Chestnut trees including a slide show, as well as answering questions from the attendees. Dr. Sandy has researched American chestnut trees, Castanea dentata, and other nut trees for more than 50 years. American chestnuts…

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Prospect Hill Hike

Folks on Little Prospect with Boston in the distance Twenty-five bundled up adventurers met at the South Gate to Prospect Hill Park to walk up the service road to the base of Little Prospect. Expansive views of the Boston skyline were in clear view on the crisp day. The group continued up to the summit…

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Beaver Brook Historic Walk

On a chilly January Saturday, twenty-one people and two dogs explored the boundary of the southern section of Beaver Brook Historic Reservation, the first park established by the Commonwealth of MA in 1893, in part to save the endangered Waverley Oak.

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Waltham Field Station: Bill passed this week enables purchase by City

Waltham Field Station: Bill passed this week enables purchase by City Waltham Fields Community Farm is based at 240 Beaver St. By Kerry Feltner, Wicked Local Nov 20, 2020 12:13pm ET This week, the Massachusetts Senate and House effectively green-lighted the sale by approving the legislation needed for Waltham to purchase the property. “This bill was…

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Chain Saw Training, Nov 21, 2020

Ranger Adam Green led a chain saw training for 13 WLT volunteer trail stewards at Prospect Hill Park. The WLT has two chain saws used to remove down trees blocking trails in the woods and along the river. The City of Waltham and MA Dept of Conservation & Recreation appreciate our help removing easy obstacles…

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State Legislature Approves Waltham Field Station Purchase

State Legislature Approves Waltham Field Station Purchase If the governor approves the bill, the land will be preserved for agricultural, open space, and recreational purposes. In April, the City Council approved a $17.4 million purchase and sale agreement proposed by the mayor. After that, the attention turned to Beacon Hill and the passage of legislation…

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