Chateau Group Table, March 31, 2022
Eleven WLT supporters gathered at The Chateau restaurant the last day of March to share food, drinks, laughs and good times while raising money for our mission. Several others stopped by to say hello. Join us next time!
Read MoreCub Scout Walk Along the Charles, March 27, 2022
On a brisk March Sunday, fourteen members of Cub Scout Troop 250 and their parents joined WLT Steward Darnell and ED Sonja for a stroll along the Charles. We meet at the Woerd Ave Boat Launch and walked towards the Watch Factory, explaining the Woerd Woods plant restoration project Darnell was a part of and…
Read MoreHike from Paine Estate to Shady’s and Back, March 13, 2022
After two postponements, sixteen hikers finally took to the woods for a 3.75-mile trek along the Western Greenway trail. WLT VP Barbara Jacobs led the group from Stonehurst through the Chester Brook corridor to the Shady’s Pond Conservation Area and back. Lots more photos!
Read MoreMCRT Cleanup w/RotarAct, March 5, 2022
RotarAct, a group of Brandeis students connected with the Rotary Club, and members of the Waltham Chamber of Commerce cleaned a section of the Mass Central Rail Trail and around the McDevitt School. Litter was a little tough to see since there was still plenty of snow on the ground, but we found some! More…
Read MoreAnnual Duck Walk, February 1, 2022
After two weather-related postponements, the WLT finally held its Duck Walk on a Tuesday afternoon. 16 participants were instantly rewarded with a bald eagle sighting! It was visible from the Mary Early footbridge, resting high on a tree limb for quite a while–we actually left it and moved on to see common mergansers, bufflehead and…
Read MoreSeptember news and events: Hikes, special projects, and work parties
Another great month for the Waltham Land Trust as the fall weather began to arrive. Check out our photos from the various events throughout September: Wellington House Lands Work Party #4 – September 12 The work continues at the Wellington House lands. On Sept. 12, nineteen volunteers spent time clearing the new pathways that go…
Read MoreBusy August for WLT: Hikes, work parties, and Riverfest
August 2021 was a busy and productive month for the Waltham Land Trust and our wonderful volunteers! Check out our photos from the various events throughout August: Wellington House Lands Work Party #2 Waltham Riverfest Wellington House Lands Work Party #3 MCRT Hike to Not Your Average Joe’s
Read MoreAvailable to purchase! A Walk in the Park – a new nature guide to Prospect Hill Park
We are thrilled to announce the publication of a new nature guide to Prospect Hill Park! Written by WLT Board member Lesley Sneddon and designed by Tammy Keithley, the book includes descriptions of different areas in the park that support characteristic groups of native plants and their habitats and associated wildlife (plant communities). Included are…
Read MoreTeen Stewardship throughout July
In the month of July, WLT worked with teenagers from two different local groups. On July 15, 22 and 29, we were with Lewenberg Environmental Action Force (LEAF), who employed 9 teens from Waltham Partnership for Youth. Over these three Thursdays, we removed 46 bags of knotweed from the Charles River path in front of…
Read MoreWellington Work Party, Aug 1, 2021
Waltham Land Trust volunteers continue to put in hard work at the Wellington House. On August 1, twenty volunteers met at the Wellington House for a second work party, clearing a pathway through the fields of the historic Trapelo Road property. By the end of the shift, a trail emerged!
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