New Year’s Day Hike 2017
2017 started off on the right foot for 140 holiday hikers who jumped in with both feet joining in the 12th annual Waltham Land Trust’s New Year’s Day Hike in Prospect Hill Park. The family-friendly event found most hikers trekking in from the south gate with leashed dogs and baby strollers in tow. While most stuck to the road, a warmly dressed conga line of hardy holiday hikers could be seen curling up the 58 stone steps stuck into the south slope of Little Prospect, and others journeyed up the Boston Rock Trail.
Additionally, new this year, a group of 60 hikers approached from the southwest corner of the park from Berry Farm and the Mass Central Rail Trail. Hikers from the nearby Highlands snaked up veins and arteries of secret trails and by 1:30 pm, a climbing crowd of 140 New Year’s revelers united as one at the summit. Friends and families loaded with excited youngsters joined Land Trust members, City of Waltham board and committee members and one brave City Councilor in a boot for the breezy espirit de corps atop the zenith of Little Prospect.
Revelers gobbled up hot chocolate, coffee, homemade fig bars and fresh fruit provided by the WLT Board of Directors and the Plympton School. A sightseeing magic trick was provided by Sonja Wadman of the Land Trust, who pulled the famous CITGO out of her hat and the Emerald City skyline of Boston. A wonderful time was had by all. Be sure to join us next year!