Next Steps for Walthams 240-Beaver Street: Council Approval is ‘Huge Victory’
A month ago, the City Council approved a purchase of the land and buildings at 240 Beaver St., preserving Waltham history and creating a path for the land to continue to be farmed for future generations.
The decision was voted on during a global pandemic which has made it feel even more surreal, said Waltham Fields Community Farm Executive Director Stacey Daley.
It still hasn’t quite set in, she says.
“I envisioned arriving at this significant moment much differently,” she said via email. “Yet, while I listened to each Councillor vote and processed the unanimous decision at the end of the roll call, I became quite emotional. My soul was filled with tremendous gratitude and relief, just the same as I would have felt if seated in Council’s chambers and surrounded by the energy of so many who were similarly concerned about the fate of the land on Beaver Street.”
According to Daley, the goal moving forward is for the nonprofit tenants of 240 Beaver St. to begin to develop a collaborative relationship with the city in a variety of areas.